Which platform for beginners? Blogger or Wordpress?



Blogger or Wordpress? Which is better for Beginners?  Should I use Wordpress or should I choose blogger to create a blog that makes money as well.

Wordpress has a large demand than blogger, you can create a professional looking premium blog for yourself and earn money from it.

But don’t think that you can do all things without investing a penny. 

Wordpress will cost an amount from you for everything. 

The features are great with a penny to pay.

When we could create a blog in Blogger for free.

Blogger is second after Wordpress. 

If you know codings, then everything in Blogger is free of cost for you.

Without spending a penny you can get your own blog in Blogger Platform. 

But, you don’t need to pay doesn’t mean that you cannot make money from yout Blogger blog. 

Infact, 2021 has been the year for Blogger, when most online users are earning from their Blogger's blog.

Now, I am not saying that Wordpress Isn't easy, Wordpress is the best recommended platform for online users, but as a beginner if you want to make money without investing a penny then Blogger is the no1 recommended blogging platform for you.

Another good question is, How do you earn from your blog? 

The first recommendation anybody would want give you is to use AdSense Ads in your site to earn revenue. 

AdSense is the No1 monetizing Platform for all bloggers.

All you have to do is, 

Create an AdSense Account and then apply for adsense. 

You have to follow their policies to get an approval. 

Some of AdSense must policies are, 

  • Write contents with more than 300 words. 

  • Write your own words, making ot unique and plagiarism free.

  • Create these three must pages for your blog

1.About Us

2.Privacy Policy

3 Contact us

  • Your blog should be easy to navigate and users friendly. 

  • One or more of your posts should be in Google's search results.

also, you can read full adsense policies from  

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